You may pre-order the Pedion "RIVER CROSSING" 6'x4' Battlefield Set; est. retail £310
Each Tile is 30cm x 30cm (1' x 1') and 1cm deep; the majority are made from polystyrene and PVC, with Resin extra pieces.
Find more info on the project and the Reward at our Kickstarter page; Due to amount of pre-orders please estimate a 6+ month delivery time.
You will get 24 Pedion tiles:
The Set is available in all unlocked Themes: Green Spring, Desert, Winter, Red Planet, Grey Wastes. In the desert theme the "forest" gets palm trees and can be upgraded to Oasis with small pond. Or the forest tile can be upgraded to Badlands with theme specific Rock formations.
A robust wargaming board, full of features, either for 6'x4' epic battles or for multiple smaller configurations. For most miniature wargames (eg Kings of War, Warhammer, Warhammer 40K).
Plain tiles:
The so-called plain tile will be the most common type of them all, lacking any complex terrain features. Its purpose is to represent open ground, which usually imposes no penalties or modifiers to unit movement. It can also act as a base for any extra terrain pieces (like buildings) the players already have and want to include in their game. This Type will be covered in flocked Grass (temperate, Spring) and will be found in all Pedion Battlefield Sets. New designs were made available through Stretch Goals.
Broken ground Tiles
These Pedion tiles can be used in a variety of ways. You can use them just to provide aesthetic variation between plain tiles (to avoid the "golf course" effect). But they can offer much more: they can be declared as broken/difficult ground in the battlefield, imposing any special modifiers and penalties your game system associates with this type of ground. Players can decide to declare as difficult ground the whole of the 30x30cm (1'x1') tile, or just inside the parts painted with a more earthen appearance. With the exception of some low rock features, Broken Ground tiles are again mostly flat to allow unit movement and any additional terrain object placement. They will be flocked/painted to correspond and blend with the rest of the battlefield type. For instance, the prototype Broken terrain tiles are painted to combine with the Plain Grass tiles. Learn more on Broken Ground and Grass Tiles in the development blog article.
Hill Tiles
There are three (3) discreet Hill tile designs: A full tile hill (#1), a 4/5 tile hill (#2), and a 3/4 tile hill without extra levels (#3).
As with all other Pedion tiles, the hills are actually part of the tile, rising seamlessly from the surrounding ground.
Road Tiles
The Road tiles can be combined in an almost infinite number of ways over your gaming table. The final result is both practical and realistic, since the roads do not "protrude" from the surrounding surface, but look natural in the terrain. However, their modularity capabilities do not stop there; real roads have trees or other features on their sidelines, or are usually followed by lines of fences. So, the roadsides are magnetically enabled, in order for the players to place any magnet-based terrain feature they want next to them! Instead of predesignating walls, trees etc, you can place and remove features as you wish (or your gaming scenario dictates!). All the "dirt" area on the tiles is actually capable of holding terrain features. More info on Road tiles and a Video here.
Forest Tiles
The concept of "Forest" tiles is really simple: dedicate an area on a tile (covering most of its surface) as forest/difficult terrain. This area is not only painted differently but will also be magnetically enabled, to add trees and other forest features on top. The main characteristics of the Forest tiles are:
The theme specific Trees available are: Regular for Green Spring, Snow-covered/bare for Winter, Palm trees for Desert. The theme specific Rock Formations available are: Mesas for Desert, Red Planet and Grey Wastes, Regular for Green Spring, Snow-covered for Winter.
The borders of the forested area on the tiles are not randomly drawn but are digitized from real forests' borders near rural areas, as shown on satellite images. More on Forest Tiles and some videos here.
River Tile
Part of the tile can be designated as River or Stream. It depends on the players, the scenario and/or the rules to define what this means; if it is impassable, if it includes difficult ground crossings/fords, or if bridges are required. As with Road Tiles, River Tiles are designed to connect to each other, forming a meander and crossing the battlefield from one side to another (not necessarily opposite ones).
We put our expertise in cartography and GIS to good use and digitized real-life data: the river flow and turns are not made-up, but copy parts of the flow of the Columbia River in the USA.
River tiles are among the most demanding tiles to produce, both regarding the time and the material needed. To keep the overall cost under control, the players may acquire two different versions of the River tiles: the Painted version or the Liquid Glass version which is more realistic but also a bit more expensive. The main difference between these versions is the addition of two-part resin on the river surface to emulate the water flow - check our the photos at the dev blog to see the difference.
- If you want beautiful and sturdy terrain for your games, which looks like a diorama but is designed for practical gaming
- If you want your terrain to fit in a Living Room cupboard and you do not have the space to store huge terrain pieces
- If you want to change the layout of your board and rearrange features to suit every battle and scenario, or even to expand it
- If you want your 6'x4' board to fit in a box and be lightweight enough to carry it to friends' houses or an afternoon in the club.
"Top notch product - I'll be ordering more!"