The Stone Stairs are made from resin and handpainted, and are intended to be used in combination with the Urban Rise Supports in all three Themes. Stairs' height is 3cm, exactly like the height difference between a standard tile and a raised one. The stairs are 7cm wide (so they can be even placed at "end" of a cobblestone road) and each step is 1cm high and 1.5cm deep.
This is an add-on which works with the unlocked Urban Elevation System. When using the Urban Rise Support to raise your whole tiles by 3cm and create different levels, then it is imperative (at least for gaming reasons) to create access points to and from this higher rise. The main transit method to the higher level are sloped, uphill roads which you can form with the Urban Slope support - this is actually the only way for vehicles to climb up to the Rise. However, as it is common in many cities, rises are also connect by stairs.
The Urban Slopes & Rises System is Pedion's way of trying and emulate differences in urban terrain elevations. You can now create uphill/downhill streets, or different height levels for your city blocks. It certainly is not omnipotent, and we still have to cope with the realities of wargaming. But it truly enhances the cityscape, going above and beyond what a simple cloth mat board could do.
The elevation system utilises two (2) special addons to work: Slopes and Rises The main idea is that you will NOT need extra tiles to emulate slopes and rises; you can use your urban tiles from your Set rewards, and arrange the addons differently each time.
You can join slopes with rises, therefore you can create transitions inside the city environs. Another way to "join" raised tiles with ones at the original height (1cm) are Stone Stairs.
- If you want beautiful and sturdy terrain for your games, which looks like a diorama but is designed for practical gaming
- If you want your terrain to fit in a Living Room cupboard and you do not have the space to store huge terrain pieces
- If you want to change the layout of your board and rearrange features to suit every battle and scenario, or even to expand it
- If you want your 6'x4' board to fit in a box and be lightweight enough to carry it to friends' houses or an afternoon in the club.
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